Saturday, April 9, 2016


My mother always said that Mississippi was the best kept secret in the entire country; she referred to our state as God's country.

There are so many good things about the people and the place.  WHY do our legislators do the things they do?

I do not know.  But, I do know that the outcry will not settle down.  We the people of the state of Mississippi do not believe that HB1523 protects anybody's freedom.  It should be struck down BEFORE it has to go to court and be invalidated.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Saturday in Hattiesburg

I am doing this post from Lydia's new iPad. It is so cool. We had a ball at the zoo yesterday. Lydia is a courageous mom, going through the tunnel. This peacock brought back memories from my daddy's raising them. Lydia and Anna Wesley had a ball on the bug hill.  And the spider web was awesome. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tuesday before Easter

Well, so much for writing and posting a picture every day.  I guess each day is a new day and I could try harder to do this.

Much has happened.  Kaite is now in Newport News, Virginia, working for Busch Gardens.  Lydia is three days away from being a full time Mom and Mary Kay consultant.  Marianna is designing and building sets in Iowa.

I am tutoring and crocheting and trying to learn to quilt.  David is enjoying life without school, although he is having nightmares about lesson planning....

Hanque Hurley, my colorist, is meticulous in the way he approaches coloring my hair; we have fun and the best thing is that he works for bacon and coffee!

David and I worked hard on the play The Left Hand Singing.  This shot of the set is really preset; it didn't look like this in the end.  No white screen; rocking chairs where the other chairs are; a plant in the old wagon.

Abby  Abby  Abby

Lydia made a quick trip home to see Kaite and to celebrate their birthdays together.

We had a birthday lunch at a Thai restaurant during a monsoon.  We had the whole restaurant to ourselves for most of the time!  Abs loves that spoon!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ash Wednesday-2016

Today is the first day of the Lenten season, a time to reflect, repent, be intentional in seeking a deeper relationship with the Lord.  Instead of "giving up" or fasting, I want to give forward and each day do something kind, thoughtful, giving....

I remember an Ash Wednesday service in Lawton, OK, at a Catholic church there; the priest said he was going to write a letter or a card during each day of Lent.  That resolution has stayed with me.  I remember as a child wondering what good it was doing for someone to give up cokes or chocolate for Lent.  How was that helping them, or anybody else?

Of course, as a child I was being raised in the Southern Baptist traditions, and we did not celebrate Lent.  I'd only heard of Lent from my elementary peers at school who were of the Catholic, Episcopalian or possibly Methodist persuasion.

It is also a time for thankfulness as the dishwasher repairman is on his way to our home to install the electronic part needed to get our machine up and running again.  WOO HOO!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Marvelous Monday

Evan thought it was 24 degrees, I got up and out and went to Water Aerobics this morning.  Feel so much better after stretching and exercising in the water.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Making My Dash Count

Hope to make my dash count this year.  Got home from Hattiesburg and was chilly for quite a while before Dad got the heat running.  Working on caps for Lee County babies.

I am really missing Anna Wesley and Abigail B. today; some days are harder than others.  We were a a daily part of their lives from August 17 to November 25 of this year.  It is so hard not to be able to see them every day.

David and I are enjoying having Marianna around for a short time.  It just feels so good to hang out with her.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

So Thankful To Be Here

I am so thankful to be with Lydia and Jared and Marianna and Anna Wesley and Abby and David.  It is Sunday, January 3, 2016.  I am in Hattiesburg enjoying the last of the Christmas Break.  Want to post daily....#photo a day.....and be more reflective in the new year.   

If I can post a picture a day, and say a few words it will help me to see where my time and talents are going.  Am working on a visioning board on Pinterest and think I may try to do a physical one as well.  I am having to learn the blogging software all over again, as I haven't done this in such a long time. 

                                                                                                 Bapa and Abby


The Yellow Mailbox